Custom-made design available

Glass design promotes your brand

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Stand out... with the right combination of glass, decoration and packaging

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Your creative brand unique position on the market

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Welcome to the Sahm Online Shop

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Choose Your Drinking Glass

Preview of the Product Line


Preview of the Product Line


Preview of the Product Line


Preview of the Product Line

„Hot Drinks“

Preview of the Product Line

„Soft Drinks“

Inspiration - Printing Technologies

Automatic Screen Printing

Bright colour tones and precise joint printing with a long service life – this is the perfection of automatic screen printing. With our screen printing and up to 8 colours, there are no limits to your decorations.

Thermo Colours

Thermo colours create a truly distinctive interactive effect. Red, blue or black decorative elements appear as if by magic when a cold or hot drink is poured into the glass.